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Windows Tutorial

Welcome to the Windows tutorial! 

In this tutorial, you will learn how to ​​

Launch and use JMK OS on any PC​.

So let's start.

Step 1:

Download your preferred version of JMK OS from the downloads page.

What do these versions mean?

DevSuite: JMK OS Suite for developers.

System: Bare JMK OS without executables. Not recommended for normal use.

DevSuite Lite: DevSuite without extras. Good use for developers using JMKWeb.

JMKGames: Games for the JMK and Windows platforms.

Step 2: Go to and download Python 3.x.x for Windows. Now, if the download is finished,

Step 3:

Open the python installer and make sure you install Pip.

Step 4:

Now open the JMK Installer. There is a simple setup process.

Step 5:

Type "pip3 install colorama" in a terminal window.

We can now launch JMK OS.


Step 6:

Now, JMK OS is stored in the install location specified in the installer.

If you do not know where you installed it, it is most likely in

C:\Program Files\DevSuite or

C:\Program Files\JMK depending on your version.

Thanks for using JMK!

Tutorial made completely by Julian, owner of JMK.
Other tutorials:

Windows tutorial

JMKGames Tutorial not yet

These tutorials can be used anywhere. Just copy the text and make sure you say the tutorial was made by me.

THANKS! :) :) :)

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